Book Reviews

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  • Adventure
  • Biography / History / Memoir
A Finger of Land on an Old Man's Hand: Adventures in Mexico's Baja Wilderness by Earl Vincent de Berge
Reviewed by Mark D. Walker
  • Biography / History / Memoir
  • Government / Politics
Democracy to Democrazy: A Warning to All Americans by Elizabeth Graham
Reviewed by Mark D. Walker
  • Fantasy
20 Moon Rd. An Angel's Tale by Jody Sharpe
Reviewed by Mark D. Walker
  • Health & Wellness
  • Self-Help / Personal Development
Dream Incubation for Greater Self-Awareness: A Handbook by Kelly Lydick
Reviewed by Pure Carbon
  • Self-Help / Personal Development
The One Inside: 30 Days to Your Authentic Self by Tammy Sollenberger
Reviewed by Pure Carbon
  • Communication Skills
  • Contemporary
  • Culture / Society
Perception Deception: A Mind-Opening Journey Across Cultures by Joe Lurie
Reviewed by Mark D. Walker
  • Adventure
My Bad Tequila by Rico Austin
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Mystery / Suspense
  • Thriller
The Dragon’s Staircase by McKenna Grey
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Romance
If I Loved You by Mary J Williams
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Historical Fiction
Paradox Forged in Blood by Mary Frances Fisher
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Young Adult
True Colors by Krysten Lindsay Hager
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Mystery / Suspense
The Radio Murders by Kelly Marshall
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Mystery / Suspense
Presidential Intentions by Douglas Wood
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Romance
Touched By a Phoenix by Sophia Byron
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Mystery / Suspense
Woman in Blue and White by Janet Doolaege
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Historical Fiction
The Memory Keeper by Larry and Lorna Collins
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Biography / History / Memoir
The Coca Cola Trail by Larry Jorgensen
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Culture / Society
  • Literary Fiction
Hidden Ones by Marcia Fine
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Humor
Dance Like You Mean by Jeanne Skartsiaris
Reviewed by Linda Thompson
  • Biography / History / Memoir
Silence on the Mountain: Stories of Terror, Betrayal, and Forgetting in Guatemala by Daniel Wilkinson
Reviewed by Mark D. Walker
  • Adventure
  • Literary Fiction
Allegro for Life by Earl Vincent de Berg
Reviewed by Mark D. Walker
  • Literary Fiction
Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo
Reviewed by Mark D. Walker
  • Biography / History / Memoir
  • Government / Politics
The President by Miguel Angel Asturias
Reviewed by Mark D. Walker
  • Culture / Society
  • Investigative Journalism
The Line Becomes a River by Francisco Cantu
Reviewed by Mark D. Walker