Welcome to The Authors Show®

The Authors Show® broadcasts simultaneously on multiple "channels" with one featured interview broadcasting per channel. All interviews play during the week for 24 hours starting at 12:01 am ET inside our media players. Weekend featured author interviews rebroadcast for 3 days (Fri-Sat-Sun). Other interviews archived in the media players may be played by clicking on the book title inside the players. 

To find currently archived author interviews CLICK HERE or scroll below the broadcast schedule to "Archived Author Interviews".


Please read our FAQ page prior to requesting an interview to get answers to most of your questions.

Publicists/Publishers: emailing pitches delays the booking process. Submit the interview request instead.


2020-Request Interview


Archived Author Interviews

Alfred James Dansbury, Sr.
The Strength of Courage Historical Fiction
Anne Wedgwood
(United Kingdom)
The Narcissist Mystery / Suspense
Anthony J. Mohr
Every Other Weekend: Coming of Age with Two Different Dads Biography / History / Memoir
Bill Yarborough
Memories of MK-ULTRA Thriller
Charles Harvey
Xylene X Band: A Fictionalized Chapter in the History of X Band Literary Fiction
Craig Snyder
Guile Thriller-Political
Dr. Kixx Goldman
Speak from Your Heart and Be Heard: Stories of Courage and Healing Short Stories
Elaine Cougler
My Story, My Song Biography / History / Memoir
Elisabeth Haggblade
Trauterose: Growing Up in Postwar Munich Biography / History / Memoir
Elizabeth A. Carter, PhD
Gaining A.C.C.E.S.S. to Lead Others: 14 Activities critical to continuous evolution & success for self Self-Help / Personal Development
Jordan Eilbert
The Guardian Temple: Demonic Dealings Horror
Joseph Ganci
Gideon The Sound and The Glory Historical Fiction
Katherine MK Mitchell
From Budapest to Hollywood Biography / History / Memoir
Kirsten Pursell
The Scarlet D Romance
Kitty May Gruchelska
(United Kingdom)
Steven F Seagull & The Missing Chips Children's Books
L. D. Wenzel
A Witch in the Wardrobe Thriller
Larry Lockridge
The Cardiff Giant Literary Fiction
Laura Moss White
Mrs. White's Sub Snips Comic Book / Graphic Novel
Michael Jai Grant
The Limited Edition Bicentennial Cadillac Convertible Joy Ride Literary Fiction
Mike F Elliott
Escaping Limbo Coming of Age
Nancine Meyer
Traces of Heaven (A Spiritual Guide to Life After Life) Spirituality
Nancy Hicks Marshall
FINDING ZACHARIAH in a Community Garden Inspirational / Motivational
Norman Brewer
January 6: A Novel Thriller-Political
Phillip Vega
Fury in Her Eyes Romance
Richard Trayler
Growing in Intimacy with God: Accept, Adore, Abide Religion-Christian
Richard Trayler
Life Is Short... Compared To Eternity Religion-Christian
Rosanne D'Ausilio, Ph.D
Pain, Pumpernickel & Profound Forgiveness Biography / History / Memoir
Sharman Apt Russell
What Walks This Way Nature/Animals
Terry M. Iverson
Inspiring Champions In Advanced Manufacturing Self-Help / Personal Development
Tom Strelich
Dog Logic Literary Fiction
Victoria Gail Oltarsh
The Boy and the Secret of the Stars Children's Books
Wytisha Williams
"He Wouldn't Let Me Die!" Mystery / Suspense